Some things.


0) welcome to all new subscribers. there have been a few. why don’t
you add me on twitter? phikappa’s the name.
1) i should integrate this posterous on my webpage, as i should do
with the twitter updates.
2) i never thought there would be a page 2 on this blog. i mean, when
did i have ever taken something so far as to page 2?
3) i started and as it looks it is not
something that will reach page 2.
4) i met someone who reminded me of how cool being geeky is and that i
should not repudiate my geekery as much as i do
5) speaking of geekery, my project of transforming my old ipaq 3660
into a online music / streaming station is still out on the
ocean. phyton is installed and lastfmproxy sort of running, but, alas,
no web interface so far. on my wlan-enabled htc wizard everything is
fine, i hope phyton+lastfmproxy will love the cf wlan card and bind to
an IP address.
5a) installing a semi-actual version of phyton onto a complete enemy
of connectivity like the ipaq (no wlan, no bt, only ir. IR!) is crazy,
but feels warm and fuzzy. still, not surprisingly, i need the wlan
card to make that thing useful.

that’s all. for now.

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